Best deal for Pfaltzgraff Tea Rose Rectangular Lasagna Baker is now alive. This best product is currently on sale, you may purchase it this moment for just
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Purchase Pfaltzgraff Tea Rose Rectangular Lasagna Baker top product. Deals available for you on Pfaltzgraff Tea Rose at Best prices. Find for best prices.
Item Description
Tea Rose offers traditional romance with a touch of the English countryside. Scalloped edges and the delicate beauty of watercolor roses add grace to every dining occasion. The even-heating quality of stoneware allows this oversized baker to cook your lasagna quickly and thoroughly. And its good looks allow it to go straight from the oven to the table. Oven, microwave and dishwasher safe. Lasagna baker measures 15-3/4 inch x 11-1/2 inch x 3 inch and holds 4-1/2 quart.
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Key: Pfaltzgraff Tea Rose, Tea Rose Rectangular, Pfaltzgraff Tea Rectangular
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