Best offer for Cinsa 312012 Trend Ware Enamel on Steel Lasagna Pan, 4-1/2-Quart, White is trending. This best item is currently on sale, you may buy it now for just
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Get Cinsa 312012 Trend Ware Enamel on Steel Lasagna Pan, 4-1/2-Quart, White best deal. Best deal available for you on Cinsa Trend Ware at Discounted prices. Find for lowest prices.
Item Information
Cinsa 4 1/2 QT Lasagna Pan in white color. Cinsa Trend-Ware is heavy gauge steel that is double coated with an enamel finish - a traditional non-stick interior and exterior. Trend-Ware follows the trends in kitchen fashion colors. Solid steel construction with a baked enamel finish is trimmed in steel to prevent chipping. Made in Mexico. Since 1932, Campania Industrial del Norte S.A. (Cinsa), has been widely recognized as a leader of the Mexican kitchenware industry. From the onset, the vision of its founders led Cinsa to successfully serve the demands of clients and consumers in Mexico as well as overseas. Cinsa is now re-introducing their line of Enamel on Steel cookware to the USA.
Strong Feat
- Three Ply solid steel construction with a beautiful long lasting glossy finish
- Non-Stick Porcelain Enamel finish
- Non-Porous Porcelain Finish is naturally Antibacterial
- Trendy Colors to enhance your tabletop
- Finish provides high resistance against scratching and chipping
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