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Order Foil Casserole Lasagna Pan with Lid Case Pack 20 best deal. lowest price is presented for you on Casserole Lasagna Pan at Discounted prices. Get for lowest prices.
Item Information
"Foil Casserole Lasagna Pan with Lid 11 3/4 x 9 1/4 x 1 1/2"". Don't dirty your good pans or spend hours scrubbing! This Casserole and Lasagna Pan has a clear plastic lid, great to protect and transport your cooking and baking projects. Made with durable, recyclable aluminum and disposable for quick clean-up. 1 pan per package, 20 packages per case." Case Pack 20
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Lookup: Casserole Lasagna Pan, Foil Lasagna Pan, Foil Casserole Pan, Foil Casserole Lasagna
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