On sale now for COOKPRO 531 4PC STAINLESS STEEL ROASTER LASAGNA PAN ROASTER (531) - is now hitting the market. This cool item is currently on sale, you can purchase it now for just
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Order COOKPRO 531 4PC STAINLESS STEEL ROASTER LASAGNA PAN ROASTER (531) - lowest price. Top deals available for you on 531 4PC STAINLESS at Best prices. Search for best deals.
Item Description
COOKPRO 531 4PC STAINLESS STEEL ROASTER LASAGNA PAN ROASTER (531) - : COOKPRO 531 4PC STAINLESS STEEL ROASTER LASAGNA PAN ROASTERCOOKPRO 531 Roaster constructed in stainless steel for durability. Deep dish design allows you to use it as lasagna pan. Set includes roasting rack, lasagna spatula & plastic cover that locks in the freshness until next serving.
Factor Benefits
- New - Retail
- 30-Day Warranty
- Cookpro 531 4Pc Stainless Steel Roaster Lasagna Pan Roaster
Customer Opinions
14 1/2 x 10 3/8 x 4 inches
Although this is addvertised as a CookPro 531, I recieved the Excel Steel Roaster. The seller informed me it's the same exact thing. The measurements are 14 1/2 x 10 3/8 x 4 inches. The quality of this steel is very good. Unfortunately, it was much larger than I needed so had to return it.
Rating: 4 1 reviews
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