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Purchase Emile Henry 2-1/2-Quart Lasagna Dish, Nougat best price. Best deal is presented for you on Emile Henry 2-1/2-Quart at Best prices. Find for lowest prices.
Item Description
A new line for emile henry in 2012, natural chic takes you into an authentic universe of soft, natural tones. Your house becomes a warm cocoon, creating a harmony of delicate colors and rounded shapes for cooking with pleasure. Our dishes have always been produced in france in marcigny in the south of burgundy: it is a tradition and savoir-faire which has been handed down from generation to generation. Each worker prepares his molds, produces his dishes and signed each one with his initials.
Factor Benefits
- High resistance oven ceramic is an exclusive process to produce strong and durable ceramic bakeware and tableware for everyday use
- Thermal properties allow each product withstand wide variations in temperature, allows any styles to go directly from freezer to oven to table
- Extremely hard glaze, highly resistant to scratching
- Easy to use from freezer to microwave or oven to table
- Easy to clean by hand or in the dishwasher
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Lookup: Emile Henry Lasagna, Emile Henry 2-1/2-Quart, Emile 2-1/2-Quart Lasagna, Henry 2-1/2-Quart Lasagna
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